My Web Repository

Everything i ever come across on the web that interests ME.

Thursday 7 July 2016

A cool psychological trick.

When a person is considering whether to buy an item, the person often needs about 45 seconds of time to quietly inspect the item and think about whether they really want to buy the item.
During this time, if anyone enters the person's personal space, the likelihood of the person deciding to buy the item will decrease substantially.
You can try this yourself. Go to a large store where people are shopping. A clothing store works well.
Find a person who is looking at a piece of clothing, touching it, thinking to themselves.
Very, very gently, walk past the person, and barely brush by the person. Quietly, say "excuse me."
Most of the time, the person will quickly decide not to buy the item and walk away.
(Don't do this too often! You do not want to get in trouble with the store!)

What to know before you venture into the Dark net.

There are two things you should worry about :

Downloading stuffs. Whatever it may be. A picture, software, ebook, anything you download down there has  a high chance of being infected.

I can guarantee you that your chances of downloading a Trojan in the deep web is 8/10. 

You know what Trojans do right? 

They provide an entry point for their author to transfer files in/out of your system.Your chances of joining a Botnet is  very high in this case. 

Once you join  a botnet, your physical location becomes traceable to both the attacker and the FBI. I assume you don't want to serve another person's time in prison should an attacker decide  to manipulate traffic to appear as if they coming from your PC.

Identity theft: the deep web is not a place where you should fill login info or credit card details with your real name, address and phone number. Once you submit your personal details, be prepared for the unknown.

Your bank account could be hacked via social engineering, your identity could be used to perform a cyber crime to name a few of the several bad things that could go down.

The deep web is not for people that are lax with security.

Be careful while navigating.

Happy Surfing!


Tuesday 5 July 2016

Beautiful Wallpaper Images

Check Back, to be updated soon

Saturday 2 July 2016

The system to make money from home

I do receive emails in my inbox, and this is one of them that i decided to share on my blog.

The key to making a 6 figure salary from your living room is to follow a system.
You want to make that salary from your living room, so the system has obviously to be online or over the phone (sales).
I will talk about online systems…
Here is what 90% of people that try to make money online do:
  • read every blog out there about making money online
  • learn about affiliate marketing, e-commerce, email marketing, drop shipping, creating their own online store selling physical products, blogging, freelance
  • get lost in information and advice
  • after a few weeks or months…
  • they quit…
It’s like they’re chasing after EVERY shiny objects.
You will get no where by doing this.

The only way to make 6 figure in the shortest time possible is to follow a proven system.
Pick any system.
Email marketing, eCommerce, Blogging, etc.
But make sure you stick one just that system and do NOT deviate. Do NOT lose focus. Do NOT get pulled in by another attractive video sales page that promises you the world.
Do make sure you learn everything you can about that system.
Do make sure you take action.
Do make sure you seek out mentors.
No one can tell you which system to pick.
No one can tell you which business model to go after.
You have to make the decision. Don’t expect someone, especially someone from the internet to make that decision for you.
HOWEVER what I can do is to provide you with a proven system that works, and have been working for thousands and thousands of people to make from few hundred $ a month to few thousands $ a month to making millions of $ a month.
The System:
  1. Find a niche that you’re interested in (dating, weight loss, online marketing etc)
  2. Find a product to promote (as an affiliate) from ClickBank
  3. Create a one page opt-in website (using Unbounce or Leadpages - I recommend Unbounce)
  4. Pick an email service provider (Aweber, GetResponse, Constant Contact etc)
  5. Integrate the one page website with your chosen ESP
  6. Set up a series of emails that provides VALUABLE content and the occasional promotional emails
  7. Drive targeted and high converting traffic to your one page opt-in website
  8. Continue to build relationship with your list with great content and promos. I would recommend 3 to 5 content emails to 1 promo emails. Continue to learn email marketing, copy-writing and your niche.
There you go, use that system to make $ a month.
The more time you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it.
So go out there, take action, pick a system and run with it.

reference to:  KELVIN KE

Monday 27 June 2016

AngularJS : For Beginners


Good day to you. I came across this youtube video on angularjs for Web Dev beginners. Well documented and i believe you will understand the fundamentals of angular after going through it. Just like the git video i shared on my blog.

Its called AngularJS Fundamentals In 60-ish Minutes by Dan Wahlin

File Size: 79mb

Celebrities and Fashion




Source: Nairaland